nucleareurope presents nuclear new build at SNETP Forum
On 18 April 2024, nucleareurope Policy Director Andrei Goicea was invited to the SNETP Forum in order to give an overview of nuclear new build plans in the EU within the 2050 perspective. In this respect, he highlighted some of the challenges which the EU will face in terms of achieving Net Zero across all sectors, including electricity, hydrogen, industrial heat and district heating. He also provided an overview of the European Commission’s current projections for installed nuclear capacity in 2050.
In this respect, nucleareurope’s projections are much more ambitious and based on the target set by the Nuclear Alliance of Member States last year, i.e. having 150GW of installed nuclear capacity in the EU by 2050. Andrei then highlighted some of the challenges which will need to be overcome in order to reach this objective, particularly in terms of the supply chain and workforce.