nucleareurope News

nucleareurope discusses EU policy at NIA Nuclear2024 Conference

On 5 December 2024, nucleareurope Director General Yves Desbazeille participated in a panel discussion on international perspectives on nuclear, organised in the framework of the UK Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) Annual Conference, Nuclear2024, taking place in London.

In his intervention, Yves gave an overview of the latest developments on nuclear policy at the European level, detailing recent evolutions such as the inclusion of nuclear in the Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and in the Net-Zero Industry Act, or the creation of the European Industrial Alliance on SMRs. He noted that nucleareurope was also closely following upcoming policy files announced by the new Commission, citing the Green Deal Industrial Plan, as well as the updated Nuclear Illustrative Programme (PINC) announced by Energy and Housing Commissioner Dan Jørgensen.

“Following some positive steps taken by the last Commission, we welcome the approval of the new college of Commissioners and look forward to further progress during the next mandate” said Yves, calling on the next Commission to adopt a technology neutral approach which would enable equal access to funding and financing tools for all net-zero technologies, the development of a European nuclear supply chain as well as coordinated actions with other sectors to tackle both basic skill needs and STEM.

Yves then stressed the importance of nuclear in the European energy system, highlighting nuclear’s contributions to Europe’s energy security, affordability, and decarbonisation. He concluded his intervention by outlining the findings of the “Pathways to 2050” study, which shows that more nuclear will allow the EU to decarbonise faster and at lower costs, while ensuring security of supply.

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