Nuclear must be part of the solution to climate change, says Institut Montaigne
The Institut Montaigne, a French Think Tank, published in June 2016 a report, which urges the European Union to consider nuclear as an integral part of the solution to the fight against climate change. “Nuclear, which has already avoided the emission of 60 billion tons of CO2 in 50 years, must be part of the solution together with renewables”, the report says.
The report emphasizes the fact that to implement the Paris agreement it is necessary to decarbonise Europe’s economy as quickly as possible although energy consumption is expected grow by 23% by 2030.
The report praises the decision of the European Commission to create an Energy Union. However it warns that EU’s energy policy should not be limited to competition rules encompassing the liberalisation of the market and subsidies to renewables. The EU should remain technology neutral and not discriminate nuclear because it is “ashamed” of this technology. The report states that on the contrary “nuclear must be a substantial part of the solution to climate change and to security of energy supply”.
Nuclear energy is currently confronted with many challenges, but must remain “an essential component of the energy mix in France, Europe and world-wide”.
Nuclear power is a competitive, reliable and base-load source of energy, which makes a significant contribution to the EU’s energy policy goals. It currently provides 27% of Europe’s electricity and 50% of its low-carbon electricity.
For further information, please read the Institut Montaigne report (only in French).