Press releases
Nucleareurope launches in Helsinki
Helsinki, 7 June 2022: As of today, FORATOM officially becomes nucleareurope. The goal of this rebranding is to bring more clarity to stakeholders in Brussels about who we represent. This official announcement comes under the umbrella of our annual conference...
FORATOM welcomes inclusion of nuclear under REPowerEU
According to the European Commission’s REPowerEU Plan issued yesterday, nuclear will have a role to play in ensuring security of EU energy supplies. Furthermore, the Commission recognises that hydrogen produced from nuclear will act as a substitute for natural gas....
FORATOM calls on EU to increase reliance on nuclear power
Today, FORATOM has called on the EU to envisage increasing its reliance on nuclear power, further to yesterday’s REPowerEU[1] communication. Nuclear can provide many benefits to help the EU tackle the current energy crisis, including security of supply, affordability...
FORATOM welcomes adoption of complementary delegated act by Commissioners
Today, the College of Commissioners adopted a Complementary Delegated Act which includes nuclear within the sustainable finance taxonomy under certain conditions. FORATOM welcomes this decision, and in particular the statement by Commissioner McGuiness that even if...
FORATOM proposes improvements to taxonomy complementary delegated act
FORATOM welcomes the decision of the European Commission to include nuclear within the sustainable finance taxonomy under certain conditions. FORATOM has provided the European Commission with some suggestions for improvement, based on a rigorous analysis of the leaked...