Press releases
New energy market design: facilitating investments in all low carbon technologies
On 8 October 2015, FORATOM published its response to the public consultation launched by the European Commission on a new energy market design for Europe. FORATOM welcomes the intention of the European Union to redesign the European electricity market. The EC is...
FORATOM on PINC: maintaining nuclear’s current capacity to reach EU energy goals 2050
FORATOM welcomes the intention of the European Commission (EC) to publish an "Illustrative Programme for Nuclear Energy" (PINC) by the end of 2015 as indicated in the Annex of the Energy Union Communication of February 2015. The EC is mandated by the Euratom Treaty to...
EU Energy Summer Package and ETS Reform
FORATOM welcomes the publication on 15 July by the European Commission (EC) of a number of Communications in support of the implementation of the EU's Energy Union strategy. The Communications aim to help define a legislative framework promoting and stimulating...
Nuclear energy must play a significant role in EU Energy Union
FORATOM takes note of the publication on 25 February 2015 of the European Commission Communication proposing an Energy Union. This Communication reminds us at the appropriate time that energy does indeed play a vital role in economic growth and the well-being of...
FORATOM priorities for a European Energy Union
Enhancing nuclear’s contribution to a sustainable, competitive and reliable energy mixContext: FORATOM welcomes the intention of the European Commission (EC) to create a European Energy Union and its efforts to highlight the crucial role energy plays in the wider...