Press releases
Clean Energy Package: FORATOM urges EU decision-makers to adopt a technology neutral approach
FORATOM takes note of the publication by the European Commission (EC) of its “Clean Energy” package, which aims to improve the functioning of the energy market and make sure that all energy technologies compete on a level-playing field “without jeopardising climate...
COP22: nuclear energy should benefit from climate funding mechanisms
Updated: [last-modified] Nuclear for Climate, an initiative co-founded by the French Nuclear Society (SFEN) and in which FORATOM is actively involved, welcomes the entry into force of the Paris agreement and calls for nuclear energy to benefit from funding mechanisms...
Nuclear energy is key to a decarbonized EU
On 3 October 2016, FORATOM published a Position Paper entitled “Nuclear power: a key contributor to a decarbonized EU.” The European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) Plenary meeting, which will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 3-4 October 2016, is an opportunity to...
EESC calls for EU to adopt a clear and comprehensive nuclear strategy
On 22 September, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted its Opinion on the Illustrative Nuclear Programme (PINC) issued by the European Commission last April. The Opinion, written by rapporteur Brian Curtis, deplores that the "European Commission's...
UK government gives final go-ahead to Hinkley Point C
On 15 September, the UK government gave its final approval to the construction of two EPR reactors at Hinkley Point C (HPC) in the south-west of England. FORATOM strongly welcomes the final go ahead given to the project, which is an important milestone for the future...