Press releases
FORATOM welcomes new President, Jean-Michel Quilichini
FORATOM is pleased to announce that Jean-Michel Quilichini has been appointed by the association’s General Assembly as FORATOM President for a two-year period starting on 1 January 2022 “I am delighted to take on this role as President at this time” states Mr...
FORATOM supports inclusion of low-carbon hydrogen in Gas Package
FORATOM welcomes the attention given to low-carbon hydrogen in the European Commission’s gas package published yesterday. Indeed, low-carbon hydrogen will play a key role in helping to decarbonise sectors such as industry and transport. Nevertheless, we regret that...
FORATOM highlights importance of maintaining existing nuclear fleet
Brussels, 14 December 2021: Today, FORATOM has released a position paper in which it highlights the importance of the long-term operation (LTO) of the existing nuclear fleet. According to the paper, keeping these power plants online will help the EU to achieve its...
Role of nuclear in a low-carbon Europe updated study published
Brussels, 30 November 2021: According to a report produced by Compass Lexecon, a future low-carbon system based on variable renewables (vRES) will require the backup of additional flexible capacity. In this respect, nuclear provides a key competitive advantage as it...
Limited attention to nuclear in Commission’s energy price communication
FORATOM would have liked to see today’s communication from the Commission pay closer attention to the role which low-carbon and dispatchable nuclear can play in mitigating the current energy crisis. By including European nuclear in its toolkit of measures to tackle...