As German election nears, EU plays for time on nuclear’s green recognition
The inclusion of nuclear power in the EU’s green finance taxonomy is “the most likely” outcome in view of the scientific reports submitted to the European Commission in the past months, EU experts...

Researcher: Brussels is paving the way for nuclear power’s green revival
In all likelihood, the European Commission will table a proposal in the coming months to include nuclear energy in the EU’s green finance taxonomy, said Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, a researcher at the...

Belgium / No One Knows Where We Are Going On Nuclear Energy, Says Business Group CEO
The head of an influential Belgian business group has said “no one knows where we are going” on nuclear energy and urged political leaders to clarify the situation. Pieter Timmermans, chief...

Fortum submits EIA report for Loviisa
Finnish utility Fortum today submitted its environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for the Loviisa nuclear power plant to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (MEAE). The report...

Climate change worries fuel nuclear dreams
Nuclear power has some really big problems, which is why many EU countries are shutting down their reactors — but the accelerating pace of climate change is prompting second thoughts. There is...

Swedish government delays repository decision
The Swedish government's decision to approve an expansion of the existing Clab interim repository for used fuel while continuing to consider the application for a final repository has "created...

How Europe risks scoring an own goal on nuclear energy
On July 14, the European Commission took up an extensive policy initiative designed to bring the European Union’s net greenhouse gas emissions down by a minimum of 55% (compared to levels from 1990)...

Unions repeat call for nuclear’s inclusion in EU taxonomy
Nuclear energy must be included in a delegated act of the European taxonomy, 18 trade unions in the energy sector from 10 European Union countries have told Ursula von der Leyen, president of the...