Europe’s nuclear energy solution
With the EU’s Green Deal now official policy, a fierce debate has raged over how the bloc will drastically reduce carbon emissions while also having to decide which long-term solution to adopt – that of the climate activists or the option being put forward by those...
Industry Group Foratom Highlights Benefits Of Nuclear For Europe
Nuclear energy can help the European Union achieve a sustainable and low-carbon future while providing people with reliable and affordable electricity, the Brussels-based industry group Foratom has said in a position paper. [supsystic-social-sharing...
Nuclear must account for one-quarter of energy mix to ensure Europe meets 2050 low-carbon targets
If Europe is serious about decarbonising its economy by 2050 then one-quarter of the electricity produced in the EU will need to come from nuclear, writes Yves Desbazeille.
Nuclear energy is essential to Europe’s low-carbon transition
If we, as the European Union, are serious about tackling climate change, then European Union decision makers must act urgently and make use of all the best tools available today. The bloc’s 2050 decarbonisation strategy has to be bold and far reaching, but it cannot...
Study quantifies job creation in the nuclear sector
A study on the employment generated by the nuclear energy industry has been published by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Some 200,000 job-years of employment are created by each gigawatt of nuclear capacity...
MIT Energy study says nuclear is essential in climate change fight
MIT Energy Initiative has released a study on the future of nuclear energy that says the effective incorporation of nuclear into nations’ future energy mixes is imperative in the fight against climate change.
Registration Opens For Foratom-IAEA Conference
The conference, organised by Brussels-based industry group Foratom with the cooperation of the International Atomic Energy Agency, will serve as an international forum for the exchange of information on management system and quality management standards...
Reformed EU Emissions Trading System approved
The revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for its next phase (2021-2030) was approved by the Council of the European Union yesterday. Foratom, the European nuclear trade body, welcomed the reform but said more must be done to decarbonise Europe's...
Call for Papers: 15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop
The International Conference on Quality, Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry – 15th FORATOM-IAEA Management Systems Workshop will be held in Ottawa, Canada from 16 to 19 July 2018. Interested participants have until 28 February 2018 to submit an abstract...
Europe Needs Nuclear For Climate Change And Energy Security, Says Foratom DG
Nuclear energy contributes to the European Union’s three key energy objectives laid out in the bloc’s energy union initiative of security of supply, competitiveness and environmental sustainability, Yves Desbazeille, director-general of industry group Foratom, told...