Andrei Goicea, FORATOM Policy Director With a dedicated scenario on hydrogen in its “Clean Planet for All” long-term strategy1, the European Commission further detailed its vision for this energy...

Andrei Goicea, FORATOM Policy Director With a dedicated scenario on hydrogen in its “Clean Planet for All” long-term strategy1, the European Commission further detailed its vision for this energy...
The commission has published its first batch of rules under the EU’s taxonomy. But what is the taxonomy – and what does it mean for the nuclear industry?
The European commission has announced that it will include nuclear power in the EU’s sustainable taxonomy under a complimentary delegated act that will confirm the energy source is as sustainable as...
It is not possible to be realistic about any energy transition without the use of nuclear power as a zero-emission source, Poland’s climate minister Michal Kurtyka said in a recent interview for...
Researchers at the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen have devised an innovative solution that uses the radioactive decay heat produced by used fuel...
Radiation safety at Forsmark Kraftgrupp’s three nuclear power reactors at Forsmark is “acceptable” with design and safety of the units strengthened and steps taken to address longstanding management...
The hard line defended by France over the inclusion of nuclear power in the green finance taxonomy is a dead end because there is no majority in favour of it at the EU level, warns lawmaker Pascal...
The UK Nuclear Industry Association has joined forces with over 40 other industry bodies in calling on the UK government to start the process of linking the new UK emissions trading system (ETS)...