In “an open letter to all Germans”, 25 leading foreign and domestic writers, journalists and academics have called on the country to keep its nuclear reactors online or risk increasing carbon...

In “an open letter to all Germans”, 25 leading foreign and domestic writers, journalists and academics have called on the country to keep its nuclear reactors online or risk increasing carbon...
French president Emmanuel Macron said that by 2030 France must be a leader in carbon-free power production with one small modular reactor in operation and nuclear plants used to produce clean...
Another government crisis looms in Belgium — this time over nuclear power. The government is set to decide next month whether to go ahead with a plan to shut down all nuclear reactors by 2025 or...
The Swedish government’s decision to delay approval on a permanent repository for used nuclear fuel is risky and could have consequences that are as yet unclear, Johan Dasht, chief executive officer...
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) is targeting 2030 for completion of its first BWRX-300 small modular reactor in Poland with the plant to be built either at the site of the Patnow coal plant about...
The UK's newest nuclear power station is on track to open by the end of 2026, the company building it has said. Hinkley Point C in Somerset has been under construction by EDF Energy for five...
Support for new nuclear build at the Czech Republic's Dukovany power plant has been signed into law by President Miloš Zeman. It is designed to remove market failures that stand in the way of the...
Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company SKB has been carrying out climate research in Greenland that provides “concrete insights” into processes that are important for analysing the...