The decarbonisation of economies is “a common cause and nuclear energy can play “a compatible role” with renewables and other sources of energy, International Atomic Energy Agency director-general...

The decarbonisation of economies is “a common cause and nuclear energy can play “a compatible role” with renewables and other sources of energy, International Atomic Energy Agency director-general...
Nuclear energy is an indispensable tool for achieving global sustainable development goals because it has a crucial role in key areas including decarbonising the energy sector, eliminating poverty,...
A coalition of industrialists and electricity companies have expressed concerns about a draft emission threshold above which hydrogen would be considered “green” under the EU’s sustainable finance...
The workshop the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency held jointly last week was very timely because the European Union is at an important juncture, and must...
The German government has reached an agreement with EOn, EnBW, RWE and Vattenfall on compensation for the forced premature closure of their nuclear power reactors. The utilities are set to receive a...
The Greens have filed a parliamentary motion urging the government to stop uranium exports and to stand up against what they see as "an attempted nuclear renaissance in Europe." Their chances are...
The UK's Rolls-Royce and Estonia's Fermi Energia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to study the potential for the deployment of small modular reactors in the Baltic country. The study will...
Nuclear power supplied 2,600 TWh of emissions-free electricity in 2020, accounting for about 10% of total global electricity generation and nearly a third of the world’s low-carbon electricity...