Yves Desbazeille, FORATOM Director General In June, FORATOM organised its annual conference #NuclearEurope2021 entitled “Nuclear at a crossroads: Where to next?”. This year it was a virtual event....

Yves Desbazeille, FORATOM Director General In June, FORATOM organised its annual conference #NuclearEurope2021 entitled “Nuclear at a crossroads: Where to next?”. This year it was a virtual event....
Aurélie Faure, FORATOM Investment Framework TF Coordinator The Investment Framework Task Force (IFTF) report provided final recommendations to project developers, decision makers and policy planners...
Andrei Goicea, FORATOM Policy Director With a dedicated scenario on hydrogen in its “Clean Planet for All” long-term strategy1, the European Commission further detailed its vision for this energy...
Jessica Johnson, FORATOM Communication & EU Stakeholders Director With the press leaking the Joint Research Centre’s (JRC) assessment of nuclear under the taxonomy last week, many of us are...
Nathan Paterson, FORATOM Senior Technology Advisor Today, we look ahead to the start of a new Euratom research and training programme made possible following the political agreement reached at...
Aurélie Faure, FORATOM Investment Framework TF Coordinator The work of the FORATOM Investment Framework Task Force came to an end this February with a public webinar on “Financing of Nuclear New...
Yves Desbazeille, FORATOM Director General First of all, I would like to wish you all the best for the upcoming year. I hope this year turns out to be a great one for you and your families. I also...
Alexandre Ferrafiat, FORATOM Legal & Economic Advisor In March 2020, the European Union set itself the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. The “European Green Deal” aims to transform...