nucleareurope News

nucleareurope participates in working lunch on energy security and role of SMRs in the EU

On 18 March 2025, nucleareurope Director General Emmanuel Brutin participated in a Brussels-held working lunch on energy security and the role of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in the EU. The event, co-organised by the Polish Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP), was hosted by Member of the European Parliament Adam Jarubas and brought together Member States representatives, EU policy makers and industrial stakeholders.

In his intervention, Emmanuel highlighted the strong contribution that nuclear can make to solve Europe’s energy trilemma, whereby it needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation, while maintaining security of supply and supporting greater energy affordability. He noted the role of innovative nuclear technologies, in particular Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs) in responding to these challenges, in addition to the lifetime extension of current nuclear power plants and future large nuclear reactors.

“The current geopolitical context has brought to light the importance of security of energy supplies for Europe. Nuclear already plays a key role in supporting the generation of a stable supply of clean, affordable electricity, and future developments, be it new large reactors or innovative technologies such as SMRs and AMRs will be essential components of an independent, decarbonised European energy system” said Emmanuel.

Emmanuel also stressed nucleareurope’s support for the European Industrial Alliance on SMRs, noting that the objective is to deploy the first SMRs in Europe by the early 2030s.

He concluded his speech by stressing the importance of policies which support both SMRs and AMRs, in addition to large new-build, long-term operation of existing power plants and the nuclear fuel cycle. This includes in particular the Clean Industrial Deal, access to EU funding and financing for nuclear projects, as well as the upcoming nuclear illustrative program (PINC).

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