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Achieving the EU’s net zero ambitions: Changing the mindset

Mar 17, 2025 | A view from..., Blog, Newsfeed

Emmanuel Brutin, Director General, nucleareurope

The EU is facing a time of unprecedented challenges: on the geopolitical stage, in its economy, and in determining the best path to achieve its net-zero ambitions.

As highlighted in the Clean Industrial Deal, the EU needs to decarbonise its energy-intensive industries and maintain their competitiveness in Europe as a matter of urgency. In parallel, we need to rapidly electrify our society whilst keeping energy prices down. All of this combined with strengthening Europe’s sovereignty – both in terms of security of supply and the ability to maintain value chains for net-zero technologies in Europe – at a time when we are confronted with seismic geopolitical changes.

Nuclear is well-placed to help address these challenges, together with other decarbonised energy sources.

In 2024, nuclear accounted for almost a quarter of all the electricity produced in the EU and was the single largest source of low-carbon electricity. Its unique characteristics – firm, dispatchable and net zero – render it a strategic source of energy, capable of meeting the 24/7 requirements of citizens, businesses and industry. It will play a key role, together with renewables, in meeting the EU’s growing electricity needs as we electrify transport and industry.

Nuclear is also key to limiting energy system costs. Whilst it does come with a high upfront cost (CAPEX), it offers significant savings in terms of low operation and maintenance costs, lower transmission and balancing costs and does not require investments in backup sources due to its high capacity factor (a recent Compass Lexecon study commissioned by nucleareurope envisages savings of 310 billion Euros under a 2050 150GW nuclear installed capacity scenario). It also has a very long life span of 60+ years.

Furthermore, nuclear is versatile. In some parts of Europe, local communities are already benefiting from the net zero heat generated by nuclear power plants. Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are expected to develop this opportunity even further by offering a range of different services including electricity, heat and hydrogen, to both traditional and new customers such as data centres.

In this context, it is no wonder that nuclear is making a comeback worldwide. A recent report from the International Energy Agency estimates that 70 gigawatts of new nuclear capacity are under construction globally. In May 2023, 16 EU Member States voiced their ambition to having 150 GW of installed nuclear capacity in the EU by 2050. And a few weeks ago, 14 EU business federations launched the European Business Nuclear Alliance, stressing the key role nuclear plays in supporting industries and businesses’ as they decarbonise.  

The European nuclear industry is well-placed to support this planned expansion of nuclear. Indeed, nuclear is one of the few net zero value chains which is fully based in Europe, encompassing everything from engineering and component manufacturing to construction, operation, and recycling, as well as the production of vital isotopes for use in medical applications. It supports a diverse workforce of around 1 million people across the EU, ranging from construction roles to highly specialized jobs, showcasing European excellence.

So yes, nuclear will make a decisive contribution – but support from policymakers is key. And, from this perspective, reaching the EU’s multiple ambitions requires a change in mindset.

At a time when the world is facing a climate emergency and Europe is confronted with deep challenges on the geopolitical and economic stages, the ideological opposition between nuclear and renewables is more futile than ever.

Policies must indeed focus on delivering the best possible outcomes for people, industries and the planet: maintaining a European industrial base, keeping system costs in check, electrifying as much as possible, phasing out fossil fuels and ensuring our energy sovereignty. It is not a question about ‘nuclear’ or ‘renewables’ but whether Europe will in future be able to generate enough energy to meet its needs – the reality is that we need to deploy all of these decarbonised sources as soon as possible.

In this respect, it is positive that the recently-adopted Clean Industrial Deal and Affordable Energy Action Plan recognise the key role played by all sources of clean energy. Moving ahead, nucleareurope looks forward to discussing the many files which are critical for the sector. The follow-up of the Clean Industrial Deal, the EU Nuclear Illustrative Programme (PINC), the European Industrial Alliance on SMRs, financing and the taxonomy, skills, and the 2040 climate targets are all essential pieces of the puzzle which will support a strong nuclear value chain.

We look forward to making a strong contribution to these debates.

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