The membership of nucleareurope is made up of 15 national nuclear associations – active across Europe – and the companies that they represent, and 7 Corporate Members. Nearly 3,000 firms are represented, from Europe’s (and the world’s) largest nuclear utilities and nuclear fuel cycle companies, to other undertakings engaged in the transport of nuclear materials and the management of radioactive waste:

- Europe’s (and the world’s) largest nuclear utilities
- Engineering companies
- Plant decommissioning companies
- Lawyers, consulting, insurance and service companies
- Uranium mining, milling and enrichment companies
- Nuclear fuel reprocessing companies
- Nuclear transporters
- Reactor and component vendors
- Waste storage facilities
- CEZ (Czech Republic), Fermi Energia (Estonia), KGHM (Poland), NAAREA (France), Newcleo (Italy)
Nuvia (France),OSGE (Poland), PEJ (Poland), Rolls-Royce SMR (UK) and Urenco (Global) are Corporate Members.
The General Assembly
nucleareurope is a non-profit making association under Belgian law (“Forum Atomique européen”, abbreviated “nucleareurope”).
The General Assembly consists of all active Members.
It is chaired by Xavier Ursat (EDF, France) who was appointed President.

The Executive Board
The Executive Officers are appointed by the General Assembly for a period of two years:
Ad Louter, Nucleair Nederland, The Netherlands
Bohdan Zronek, CEZ, Czech Republic
Corina Truica, Romatom, Romania
Csaba Kiss, Hungarian Nuclear Forum, Hungary
Daniel Nordgren, Vattenfall, Sweden
Hans-Ulrich Bigler, Swiss Nuclear Forum, Switzerland
Ignacio Araluce, FINE, Spain
Jaana Isotalo, ET, Finland (Vice President)
Johan Lundberg, Nuclear Sweden, Sweden
Petra Lundström, Fortum, Finland
Xavier Ursat, EDF, France (President)